Clicked and Modified Event Data
These two have been grouped together for two reasons. 1) They are incredibly similar & 2) they will be assimilated into a single state in the future to improve ease of use.
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These two have been grouped together for two reasons. 1) They are incredibly similar & 2) they will be assimilated into a single state in the future to improve ease of use.
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Start Time
Modified Event outputs New Start Time & Old Start Time Instead
End Time
Modified Event outputs New End Time & Old End Time Instead
Event Title
Usually a unique ID associated with the DB item itself (if the item came from the DB) or Google event ID
This can be used to control workflows. On its own, it prevents you from modifying an event by click-and-drag or drag-and-drop.
This field is nice, but not required. It's also no limited to addresses only, it's simply titled that way.
Property 1
This is a nice place to retrieve information you may use instead of having to make a call to the DB based on the events ID
Property 2
This is a nice place to retrieve information you may use instead of having to make a call to the DB based on the events ID
Resource ID
Can be used to control workflows
Duration in Minutes
Duration in Hours