Exposed Event States

The calendar outputs data in a couple ways. One is singular states with only 1 associated property. The calendar also outputs two event objects which must be set on the Calendar Element's Input Fields

Clicked Event Data

  • This will output data when an event is clicked

  • This must be set as shown in the image above

  • This property exposes the following values when you click on any calendar event.

Modified Event Data

  • This will output data when an event has been drag/dropped or the duration of the event has been modified in the calendar.

    • this will not reflect changes made in the DB, only events modified on the visible calendar element

  • This must be set as shown in the image above

  • This property exposes the following values when you modify any event via drag-and-drop or click-and-drag. This will only expose data for events manipulated calendar actions.

Calendar Data

These are helpful data that are available all the time

  • Start and End of Range refer to the visible range. It starts at 12:00 AM on the beginning of the range and ends at 12:00 AM the day after the last visible day. because that's technically the end of the previous day, when the new day begins.

  • Current calendar view can be used to control calendar styling but with enough request this can be inbuilt into the calendar to remove most use cases for this output

  • Event array allows you to examine your array of events as you build your calendar. This can help you discover issues when your events aren't displaying how you intend them

Selected Time Frame

This is useful when you are creating events via Click-and-Drag on the calendar.

  • This element outputs both start and end time of the selection as well as a resource when applicable.

Last updated